Worship is where God meets with His people (Ex. 29:42-46). It is the act whereby God speaks to us in His Word, gives us a rebirth in Holy Baptism, strengthens us through Holy Communion, and forgives our sins through Holy Absolution. At the same time it is the act where we confess our sins, praise and thank Him, and bring our petitions to Him.
Each Week we have four worship services in three languages
Sunday Morning Worship
9:00 am Worship
11:30 am Hmong Worship
3:00 pm French African Worship
Midweek Worship is Thursday at 7:00 pm .
We also offer monthly German services.
See www.evangelischeandacht.org for the current schedule.
Sunday School - Meets weekly on Sunday at 10:15am in the church. Open to all children from age 3 through 8th grade.
Adult Bible Class - Meets weekly on Sunday at 10:30am in the Education Building (no class during the summer). Open to everyone over the 8th grade.
Youth Bible Class - Meets weekly on Sunday at 10:30 am in Education Building. It is open to all high school youth.
Hmong Bible Class - Meets weekly on Sunday at 10:30 am in the Education Building. It is conducted in the Hmong language.
Young at Heart - Meets at 11:00am on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We begin a 1 hour Bible Study. Then we have a bag lunch, followed with cards and other fun.
Youth Confirmation - Pastor Hougard teaches 7th and 8th grade confirmation classes. One year is based on Bible History and the other on Luther's Small Catechism. Meets weekly (during the school year) on Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Adult Instruction - Pastor Hougard teaches Adult Membership Classes as the need arises. Open to everyone over the 8th grade who seeks membership with Benediction Lutheran Church or desires more information on what we believe.
Vacation Bible School - Meets for one week in the summer. Open to all children from pre-school through 6th grade.
Lutheran School Tuition Aid - We offer tuition assistance to members whose children attend Lutheran grade schools.
Lutheran High School Association - We are a member of the Milwaukee Lutheran High School Association which allows our members to attend Milwaukee Lutheran, Martin Luther, and Lake Country Lutheran High Schools at reduced tuition rates.
Scholarship Fund - As a congregation we have made a firm commitment to assist college students from our congregation who are studying to become full-time church workers in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
Bell Choir - Meets every Wednesday at 6:30 pm.
Senior Choir - Meets every Wednesday at 7:30pm.
Praise and Worship - The final Saturday of every other month (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov) we gather for an evening of great food and music. The evening begins with a pot-luck meal at 6:00, which is followed by various people sharing songs of praise to our Lord. We have a variety of music: including traditional hymns, contemporary, children's songs, Hmong, and even Hawaiian songs.
Coffee Hour - A time for fellowship and a cup of coffee Sundays from 10:00am - 10:30am in the education building.
Pairs 'N' Spares - A fellowship group which plans various activities for our enjoyment together. Open to everyone over 21 years of age.
Young at Heart - Meets at 11:00am on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We begin a 1 hour Bible Study. Then we have a bag lunch, followed with cards and other fun.
LCYO - Lutheran Christian Youth Organization. Open to everyone from the 5th grade through the 8th grade.
CTC - Christian Teens Club. Open to everyone from the 9th grade to the 12th grade.
SIS - Our women's organization is an energetic group called "Sisters in Service." Some of the committees include: nursery, banners, Lutheran Women's Missionary League, Altar Guild, and prayer chain.
ESL (English as a Second Language) - This group meets each Tuesday and Wednesday to help recent immigrants with their English skills.
GED We have classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening to help people prepare for the GED exam.
Benediction services three of our ethnic groups in Milwaukee:
Hmong, French African, and German.
See the ethnic ministries page for more information.